

Product: Bitumencoating is a high-quality ready-made solvent-free product on the basis of polymer-bitumen, is free of PCB or PCP.

Specific use: Bitumencoating is applied as a sealing and protection on wall sections below ground level such as masonry and plaster and foundations.

Characteristics: Bitumencoating forms an elastic sealing and protective layer against moisture and natural aggressive substances from the ground. It protects plaster applied below ground level against the inclusion of moisture from the ground.

Processing temperature: Do not process Bitumencoating when, during processing and drying, the surface and/or ambient temperature may drop below + 5°C and above +35°C.

Method of application: Bitumencoating is applied in two to three layers using a roller or brush, the first layer applied must be dry before the second and/or third layer is applied.

Consumption: Per layer ± 0.5 kg per m²

Packing/Contents: In plastic buckets of 14 kg.

Surface: The surface must be sustainable, free from dust, grease and powdery coats of paint and dry. Surfaces to be treated may be damp.

Storage: Protect against heat and frost.

Remark: Protect against rain during drying. Sealing against ground moisture and non-pressing water at least two layers. Sealing at least three layers against pressing water. Bitumencoating must be completely dry before the sand or street work is applied.

45 (6-2016)