

Product: Vloeistofdicht is a synthetic resin dispersion on the basis of acrylics.

Specific use: Vloeistofdicht is excellently fit for sealing ornamental gravel floors.

Characteristics: Vloeistofdicht has a transparent appearance after drying, is highly non-saponifiable, colour-fast and waterproof.

Processing temperature: Above + 10° C.

Method of application:  Vloeistofdicht  is evenly distributed over the ornamental gravel floor by means of a squeegee, providing that spaces between the decorative gravel are fully filled. The drying time is dependent on temperature and degree of humidity.  Foot can be set on the floor after ± 24 hours and after ± 48 hours can carry loads.

Ornamental gravel floor 2/3 mm + 700 grams per m2.
Ornamental gravel floor 3/4 mm + 1000 grams per m2.

Packing/Contents: In plastic buckets of 1-2.5-5 and 10 kg.

Storage: Store frost-free.

Remark: Clean tools with water.

43 (6-2016)